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Fake Shungite: Common Signs and How to Detect Them

Fake Shungite: Common Signs and How to Detect Them

by Adam

Shungite, a black, lustrous mineral made of more than 98% carbon, has become increasingly popular due to its reputed healing properties and ability to purify water. As demand for shungite grows, so does the market for fake or adulterated shungite. It’s essential for consumers to be able to distinguish genuine shungite from counterfeit versions. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the common signs of fake shungite and how to detect them effectively.

What is Shungite?

Shungite is a unique carbon-rich stone found primarily in the Karelia region of Russia. It is known for its impressive physical properties and supposed metaphysical benefits. Genuine shungite is believed to:

  • Purify water by removing impurities.
  • Shield against electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
  • Have healing and protective properties.

These benefits have made shungite a sought-after item in wellness and alternative health communities.

Why the Surge in Fake Shungite?

The increasing popularity and limited geographic source of shungite have led to a surge in counterfeit products. Unscrupulous sellers are eager to profit from this trend by selling fake or low-quality shungite, which can be difficult for the average consumer to identify.

Common Signs of Fake Shungite

1. Unnatural Color and Shine

Genuine Shungite: Authentic shungite has a distinctive black color with a semi-metallic sheen. It can sometimes appear dull but has a unique luster when polished.

Fake Shungite: Counterfeit shungite often has an overly shiny appearance, akin to polished obsidian or glass. It may also come in colors that are atypical for real shungite, such as grey or brown.

2. Lightweight and Brittle

Genuine Shungite: Real shungite is relatively heavy due to its high carbon content. It has a solid, sturdy feel and does not easily crumble or break.

Fake Shungite: Fake shungite tends to be lighter and may break or crumble more easily. It might be made from resin, painted stones, or other materials that mimic the appearance of shungite but lack its density.

3. Lack of Electrical Conductivity

Genuine Shungite: One of the unique properties of genuine shungite is its electrical conductivity. This is due to the presence of fullerenes, a form of carbon. Real shungite can conduct electricity, which is a reliable test for authenticity.

Fake Shungite: Counterfeit shungite will generally fail this test as it lacks the necessary carbon structure to conduct electricity. Testing with a simple multimeter can help determine authenticity.

4. Absence of Pyrite Inclusions

Genuine Shungite: Authentic shungite often contains small inclusions of pyrite, giving it a speckled or streaked appearance. These inclusions are natural and can help in verifying genuine shungite.

Fake Shungite: Fake versions typically do not have these inclusions. Instead, they may have an unnaturally uniform color and texture.

5. Price Too Good to Be True

Genuine Shungite: Due to its limited availability, real shungite is relatively expensive. Prices that seem too good to be true often indicate that the product is not genuine.

Fake Shungite: Counterfeit shungite is often sold at significantly lower prices. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

How to Test Shungite for Authenticity

1. Water Purification Test

One of the most touted benefits of shungite is its ability to purify water. To test this:

  1. Place a piece of shungite in a container of water.
  2. Leave it for 24-48 hours.
  3. Test the water for any changes in pH and impurity levels.

Genuine shungite will generally improve the quality of water by reducing contaminants and balancing pH levels.

2. Electrical Conductivity Test

Use a multimeter to test the conductivity of shungite:

  1. Set the multimeter to measure resistance.
  2. Place the probes on opposite ends of the shungite piece.
  3. Check the reading.

Genuine shungite will show conductivity, while fakes will not.

3. Visual and Physical Inspection

Closely examine the shungite for:

  • Color and luster: Genuine shungite has a deep black color with a semi-metallic shine.
  • Weight and density: It should feel heavy and solid.
  • Pyrite inclusions: Look for natural streaks or specks of pyrite.

Where to Buy Authentic Shungite

To avoid purchasing fake shungite, buy from reputable sources. Look for vendors with positive reviews and clear return policies. Some recommended sources include:

  • Specialized mineral and gemstone shops
  • Reputable online marketplaces
  • Direct purchases from Karelia, Russia


Detecting fake shungite requires a keen eye and some basic tests. By understanding the common signs of counterfeit shungite and knowing how to test for authenticity, you can ensure that you are purchasing genuine shungite. This not only guarantees the benefits you seek but also supports ethical trade practices.

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